17, Torgovaya ploschad St. (7, Orlova St), Vologda 160035



«Palisad» is a cozy hotel in Vologda where you can order a room without effort using the information we offer in this section. The website for any hotel in Vologda is an important information element, which helps all concerned users of Internet to find out all necessary information about the hotel and make reservation of a room they like and the services they need.

The booking service in the Hotel «Palisad» kindly replies to your questions if you ask them by the phone, the numbers are: 8 (8172) 72-27-61.

The address of the Hotel «Palisad»: 17, Torgovaya ploschad St. (7, Orlova St), Vologda 160035

The Hotel «Palisad» in Vologda is waiting for you!
Vologda is a perfect choice for leisure!